Here are some of the projects we are proud of and currently working on. We develop custom digital products for everyone, from start-ups to government agencies.

Together with Henk-Jan Boele and other researchers at the prestigious Princeton and Erasmus MC, we explored the limits of the smartphone through the development of BlinkLab.

World Museum
After the Sabi Suriname app for the Wereldmuseum, Zooma was brought in to collaborate on the Tag The Picture project. Zooma built an advanced website with a module in which volunteers can very precisely mark and tag objects on photos. A challenging project for both our front- and backend developers with a fantastic result!

Together with Naturalis, we built a knowledge platform for the taxonomy of pollinators. Through the Pollinator Academy, interested parties can follow modules on the taxonomy of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.

De Kler Bookstore
For bookstore De Kler, Zooma developed a new responsive website / webshop in 2023 in five intensive sprints. De Kler is a well-known name in the book trade with no less than twelve physical stores spread over as many cities in the Randstad.

Since 2015, TMSQR has been busy creating awesome festival apps for music, theater, movies and all kinds of other cultural festivals. Together with the great team at TMSQR, Zooma as the tech partner is building step by step the ultimate festival app.

Hospital Hero
The Hospital Hero concept is a beautiful initiative of Veronique van Noort and Nicole Donkel, two nurses at the pediatric ward of the Willem Alexander Children's Hospital (LUMC). Zooma has been working (proudly!) on this concept since 2020, which also includes experts from Nell, TU Delft and Naturalis. And the best part: more and more hospitals are joining in.

Zooma was commissioned by Education Center Opnij to develop the digital version of the EF Plan Agenda. We built a web environment for students and mentors, and added native Android and iOS apps. With links to Magister and Somtoday, all learning tasks for students are imported directly into their plan agenda.

Museum de Lakenhal
Since 2019, Zooma has been helping to build the apps for the fantastic Museum De Lakenhal in our home town of Leiden. In collaboration with the team at De Lakenhal and the designers and backend developers at Fabrique, we keep making the successful apps a little more beautiful.

Minerva is the oldest student association in the Netherlands, founded in 1814. The association approached Zooma in 2016 to help think about a new app. The Minerva board's goal was for the app to become the digital hub of the association, the social hub for its more than 2,000 members. The app was an immediate success with impressive user statistics!

De Dorus
De Dorus is a 'creative coworking community'. Zooma owns, and is itself a 'resident' of De Dorus, so of course we developed the corporate identity, the website and the apps ourselves! Every quarter, in scrum sprints, we continue to build the platform, based on feedback from other De Dorus coworkers.
What we are working on now
We are working on an app as a tool in neurological disorders.
We apply gamification in an app to reduce tension, anxiety and stress during a hospital visit for children.
Relevant blogs

Collaboration with students from TU Delft
In collaboration with design students from TU Delft (UXAD), Zooma is working on a redesign of the successful festival app TimeSquare. Very cool and valuable to have worked with talented designers from all over the world!

Zooma at the Tweakers Developers Summit
It was old-fashioned fun and interesting again at the Tweakers Developers Summit! After two years of corona intricacies, we could finally physically go to De Fabrique in Utrecht again!