Zooma Builds Party
On Thursday, October 24, 2019, Zooma will be Popronde Leiden stage for the fourth year in a row! And we will be 3VOOR12 stage this year!

Together with 3VOOR12 we present no less than three acts that you can now see in a small setting before they break through to a larger audience: A.M. Sam, TESSEL and WIES
So they are really performing in the office of Zooma. At this spot on the Oude Rijn in Leiden we normally build apps, but everything goes aside for this not-to-be-missed party!
A.M. SAM: 20:00 - 20:45<br>
TESSEL: 21:15 - 22:00<br>
WIES: 22:30 - 23:00
A.M. SAM 20:00 - 20:45<br>
Westcoast guitar riffs mixed with Sam's voice into danceable and catchy songs. With influences from Beck to The Beatles, and from Tame Impala to The Velvet Underground. And cars, Sam loves those, too. Check out his first single "In The Ring" and follow-up "Up in Silver Lake" and come dance at Zooma!
Listen on Spotify.<br>
TESSEL 21:15 - 22:00<br>
TESSEL's indie-surf sound carries you away on a wave of echoing guitars, vicious drums and layered vocals. The Utrecht-based band is inspired by bands such as Bombay, DIIV and Beach Fossils. Their debut single already made it to 3FM and in their short existence they played as support for the London band Ten Fé and at Motel Mozaique Festival.
Listen on Spotify.<br>
WIES 22:30 - 23:00<br>
Brand new Dutch pop act WIES has the perfect triangle dynamic of pop, electronica and the raunchy organic. Think Ramses Shaffy meets alt-J, or Spinvis meets The Black Keys. Despite the band being around for less than a year, they won the Amsterdam Pop Prize 2018 and the Grote Prijs van Nederland 2019, nice going!
Listen on Spotify.<br>
Thursday, October 24, 2019<br>
Line-up: A.M. SAM, TESSEL & WIES<br>
Oude Rijn 92, Leiden<br>
Doors open 19:30 | Start 20:00<br>
Entrance is #GRATIS!<br>
Popronde is the Netherlands' free traveling music festival for new and emerging music talent! On Thursday, October 24, 2019, the Popronde Netherlands descends on Leiden with dozens of free performances where the center is the festival site.
Stages are of course mostly cafes, theaters, record stores and clubs but only in Leiden a company :-) transforms their office one night a year into a stage for the new generation of pop musicians. In previous years, Donna Blue, Kitchenette, Pip Blom, The Silverfaces, A Brighter Light and Avi on Fire played at Zooma!
Popronde is a breeding ground and the festival is a stepping stone to venues and festivals outside its own region, to a larger audience and to a great career in the music business. For example, bands like Kensington, De Staat, Chef'Special, Blaudzun and Pip Blom participated in the Popronde in their early days.