The Minerva EL CID app!
Since 2016, Zooma has been building the app for Leiden student association Minerva. With success because the app is widely used by Minervans. In several development sprints per year, we keep expanding the functionalities a little further.

This time we have launched a special app (an app within an app!) for the EL CID week. The EL CID week is the official introduction week of Leiden University and Leiden University of Applied Sciences. The app informs prospective students, and thus potential Minerva members, about Minerva's program during the EL CID week and in which of the beautiful student houses the student might live. Read more about it in our case study.
The EL CID part of the Minerva app is now live through August 16, 2019, check it out on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store!