Education Center Opnij
Digital EF Plan Agenda
Zooma was commissioned by Education Center Opnij to develop the digital version of the EF Plan Agenda. We built a web environment for students and mentors, and added native Android and iOS apps. With links to Magister and Somtoday, all learning tasks for students are imported directly into their plan agenda.
Education Center Opnij
Being able to plan well, keep your emotions in check and also reflect on your mistakes: it takes a lot of skills to be able to learn. Yet it is precisely these skills that are little addressed at school, Education Center Opnij found. Opnij calls these skills the Executive Functions (EF): eleven executive skills that can be divided into thinking and behavioral skills. To develop these skills, Opnij devised the EF planning agenda, part of the method "In top form with EF. A tool for students to plan their homework and tests. And we were allowed to digitize this tool.
Digital EF Plan Agenda
Student homework and tests are imported directly into the plan agenda through a link with Magister and Som2day. Students can then start scheduling their tasks on the website or in the Android and iOS apps. In addition, students can add comments or questions to tasks, which the mentor then receives an email about and can respond to directly. Also, in a read-only mode, the mentor can see how students are scheduling their tasks. Questionnaires are also administered periodically to see how the students themselves feel their Executive Functions are developing throughout the year.

View homework and tests by week or month
Schedule your homework and tests easily, and view them by the week or in the monthly overview.

As a mentor, keep track of mentees' progress
Mentors can view the progress of their students in an overview that lists their scheduled and completed tests and homework.

Determine your strong and weak Executive Functions.
Complete a questionnaire each period to find out which Executive Functions need attention and track progress.