Zooma wins SURF tender!
SURF is the ICT cooperation organization for education and research in the Netherlands. Within the cooperative, universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutions and university medical centers work together on ICT facilities and ICT innovations.

Zooma will work on the project 'SURFsharekit WORKS': the further development of a service that enables higher education institutions to manage and share knowledge products (e.g. research publications, theses and learning materials). With this service, SURF aims to encourage the use of knowledge products among the widest possible audience. To make this possible, it is necessary for the service to be more accessible and flexible, matching the working methods of the various target groups.
A nice project that should keep Zooma busy for the next few months. SURF's objective of 'Together driving ICT innovation in education and research' is of course very appealing to us and we are looking forward to the intensive scrum sprints that we will be carrying out together over the coming months!