Zooma @ Tech for the Future NOW!
Zooma was visiting "Tech for the Future NOW!"; a great initiative by Smart071. An event about digitization, big data analysis and sensor technology ... so we had to be there!

About Smart071: "We live in an insanely interesting era of digitalization that has a great impact on our society and offers opportunities for businesses in all sectors. But how do entrepreneurs or professionals stay abreast of this and how do they make optimal use of the latest digital developments to stay ahead of the competition and keep their business future-proof? The project Smart071 helps SMEs in the Leiden region to take concrete steps with this in an accessible way."
Tijmen and Kevin, two of Zooma's experienced senior developers, attended the various knowledge sessions and spoke to startups, students and companies from an improvised Zooma booth. Very fun! Nice warm-up for our visit to the SXSW fair in Austin (USA) in exactly one month!